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Sell More than They Have Come For

Upselling is a great concept; use it well.

    Now that the people are coming to you and your site, it is already your time towork. The people who chose to subscribe to your site decided to do so becausethey are interested in what you have to offer them. While they are more likely tocontinue their own subscriptions if you give them for than they have expected toget, selling them things that may actually help them could have the same effect. If you are wise in marketing, then you should be doing this strategy, too.

Selling Them What They Need Plus More

    Since the members have already chosen to invest some of their money to
subscribe to your site, they would surely want to purchase things from you (as
they find you a reliable source) which they believe would help them achieve what
strategies you are teaching them.

    For example, if your site is offering to give tips and tricks about internet
marketing, they may also be interested in getting software that could help them
in their marketing needs. If you recommend them a product, they would surely
be interested in checking out what it is and, possibly, purchasing it. You can take
advantage of it by placing links to a trial version of the product or a full version
that would is offered at a very low price, an added benefit for being a member to
your site.

    This strategy may work a little like suggestive selling. If you are a business selling cell phones, you would like to offer those that buy your product with a screen guard, a new phone casing, free games or ringtone downloads and so on.
Although this method does not always get you more sales and profits, it is always
a good thing to try because they could possibly be turned into one and you can
gain something from it.

Mau donasi lewat mana?

BCA - Rizky Kharisma Negari (0097107746)

Merasa terbantu dengan artikel ini? Ayo dukung dengan memberikan DONASI. Tekan tombol merah.
What to say about myself, I don't know. I am a simple guy since childhood, wanting to learn new things and implement new ideas. Never worry about what I don't have. What I have is the best thing.

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