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Build a Niche Content Site to take your Business to a New Level

 What are people on the Internet mainly looking for? Information, that’s right! If you provide them the information they are looking for, you are a winner all the way.

    What’s a niche content site, to begin with? A niche content site is a site that panders to a particular group of people. Like gardening is a niche; cooking is a niche; motor repair is a niche. Other people would not be interested in reading about these topics. But, people who are interested in these topics will surely throng your website and even come repeatedly to look for new information that you must put up all the time.

    There can be a niche within a niche. Like, in gardening, there could be a subniche of how to do away with aphids or how to use the right mix of fertilizers to make those grapes bigger. These are sub niches. You must remember one thin here… the narrower you are making your niche, the lesser is the number of people you are getting for your site, but at the same time, these people are more focused and they will be more interested in doing business with you.

    Think about it. If someone really wants to have some information on aphid removal, they are not going to find too many sites on it. If your site has that content and also promotes some product relating to it, like an aphid spray, the likelihood of that visitor buying the product from your site is indeed high.

This is the way you need to go about it.

  • First, think of a popular niche that you would like to build a site on. You could go to places like Google Suggest (http://suggest.google.com/) and check out what many people are looking for.

  • Google Suggest will also give you a host of keywords that you can use. These are the keywords that people are popularly searching.

  • Build content. You will need to have at least 50 pages or so of content to make some kind of impact. Spruce up this content by using right keywords so that it reaches out to the people who are looking for the specific information.

  • → Then, look for products on your affiliate network site to promote on your niche site. Refer to chapter 1 on how to become a member of an affiliate network site. You can put ads in the form of text and banners. By having your own site, you are saving money on advertising services such as Google AdWords. You have to popularize your site so that more people visit, which in turn will increase the number of clicks (and sales) that you get. At the same time, the popularity of your ads will increase the prospect of your website

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BCA - Rizky Kharisma Negari (0097107746)

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What to say about myself, I don't know. I am a simple guy since childhood, wanting to learn new things and implement new ideas. Never worry about what I don't have. What I have is the best thing.

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